Четник sorry for delay! Give me little time for picture, no problem, i will publish here. I must download him from croatian forum, im a Serb. ZNG= Zbor Narodne Garde=Assembly People Guard=Сборка народна (нацоналный) гвардия. I hope you understud my translate. In fact, this Guardian status is only on paper, it not like in Russian or some other army. Its not elite forces. Its much closer to some para military unit, by equipment, chain of command, discipline. Mostly formed from local Croat population. Very notorious, and was no isolated cases "shooted by spot" for both side, Serbian and ZNG. Something similar like SS and NKVD. Dont mix him with Guardian unit of Croatian army in late stage of war. Picture with this ZNG parols it mostly from early stages of war.
I also have a few quiestions for you. Not so long ago I've finished howitzer 2S1 Gvozdika, which I'm going to paint in color of Војска Републике Српске. And wish to drow an the corp some kind of slogans, like "Српска Гарда" or something like that. But I have a difficulties in choosing of color. How do you think, these color + a bit of white will be good?
And also I'm going to construct M-84A fom Tamiya kit and T-55A. But I've chosen interesting prototype yet, for Kosovo or for Војска Републике Српске.
Добавлено (13.12.2011, 12:15) --------------------------------------------- And one more. I can't understand what is written there. Србиjа до смрти?
Сообщение отредактировал Четник - Вторник, 13.12.2011, 12:21
Gvozdika? Im very suprised why this model is not much more popular. Only good link for Gvozdika in Serbian sevice is http://translate.google.com/transla....&u=http its already "translated" page this slogan is probably just a slogan, be couse real guard unit in VRS was infantry unit; in Serbian army (or JNA in early period of conflict) only real guard unit was located in Belgrade and this unit is armour-mechanized unit. Im not 100% sure for Gvozdinka, but is assebled by M-84 mainly. Gvozdika on Kosovo is part of some southern garnisone, Pristina or Nis, not from Belgrade, it not located there. Terms "Garda" or guard is very popular in para forces on all side. One friend of mine, asked me for real picture of Gvozdika year ago. Im from Serbia, but now i live in Banja Luka, capitol of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia. Banja Luka was in a ex Yugoslavia main center for armour unit and all crew was driled here. I try so many times to come in a old baracks and picture all this past warrior, including some rarity, but i have problem with actual military autority for giving permision. Look on this two links, it state of this armour: http://s106.photobucket.com/albums/m273/nammeci/Muzej%20Kozara/ http://s106.photobucket.com/albums/m273/nammeci/Muzej%20Manjaca/
For color, uffffff, maybe one day i find some other solution for SMB, but in this moment solution is only one. Revel 361 + 10% of white. XF-65 alone is not to good choise. I sugest you to buy this color, then you can try to mix Tamiya or something. I wish you luck in mixing, i was dont have. I hope i was no borring too much.
this slogan is probably just a slogan, be couse real guard unit in VRS was infantry unit; in Serbian army (or JNA in early period of conflict)
I found this picture and liked the slogan, that's why I decided ti write it on my Gvozdika.
Србиње, 1995
But as you tell me that garda was only infantry unit, I should find the other good slogan. I think that "само слога србина спасава / CCCC" is good enough.
Quote (Zlikovac)
Gvozdika on Kosovo is part of some southern garnisone, Pristina or Nis, not from Belgrade, it not located there.
Oh, wery useful information. Thanks a lot.
Quote (Zlikovac)
i live in Banja Luka, capitol of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia
I know the administrative structure of Република Српска. As you can understand from my nick name, I'm very interested of Serbia, Republika Srpska and all serbian lands(Kosovo and Kraina). Now my little son is going to sleep, as well I will give you more detalized answer tomorrow morning.
You are welcome I realy love this forum be cause i can found real monster works and super detailed modeler. No too much forums equal by quality on net, realy. When u see how much modification you and Yan was make on this Skifs... Realy good works. Lets back on a picture. This vehicle is in Srbinje, pre and after war Focha. There was never be any kind of guard, even and para military Arkans Tiger or others. Its a just slogan. I know this area, and this topography is maked by God only for a war. Nearly is location of famous WWII battle on Sutjeska. Your modes of T-55 looks me on this from one underground barack picture T-55a in Banja Luka On majority number of ex Yu T-55s you can see anti radiation lining around turrets lids, be cause its T-55A. Only one series, from Russia, with 18*** numbers is regular T-55 and dont have this anti radiation linings. Always keep on your mind, and first check serial number if is visible, or look on this detail.
Сообщение отредактировал Zlikovac - Среда, 14.12.2011, 04:37
Returning to Gvozdika, honestly saying I have only 3 photo 2S1 from Banja Luka military base, but other from Serbia or Kosovo. Do you have any information of participating 2S1 on the side of bosnian serbs during the war?
Quote (Zlikovac)
Sometime i see biger Serbian in Russia then in Serbia himself!
It's a pity to hear such sad things
Quote (Zlikovac)
For color, uffffff, maybe one day i find some other solution for SMB, but in this moment solution is only one. Revel 361 + 10% of white. XF-65 alone is not to good choise.
What is SMB? Yes, I understand thet XF-65 alone is not good enough, but if it will be mixed with some wthite and buff colour it will be good enough... I hope
Quote (Zlikovac)
Lets back on a picture. This vehicle is in Srbinje, pre and after war Focha. There was never be any kind of guard, even and para military Arkans Tiger or others. Its a just slogan.
So, I have to find some new slogan for my model. Or drawing... or something else interesting.
Quote (Zlikovac)
On majority number of ex Yu T-55s you can see anti radiation lining around turrets lids, be cause its T-55A. Only one series, from Russia, with 18*** numbers is regular T-55 and dont have this anti radiation linings.
I think this is a model of 1958 year. But with DShK.
P.S. I have a lot of quiestions for you, but in this thread is discussing T-34, so I propose you to continue our discussion im my thread
Не стыдиться, если вам нужна информация или помощь, свяжитесь со мной через личное сообщение. Абсолютно никаких проблем. Четников, кажется, что мы должны открыть больше к сообщению о других танков.
Так, где раскопки этой картине? Я думаю, но я не совсем уверен, что Т-34, наряду с некоторыми танков Т-55 изменен, чтобы извлекать и создавать малые понтонные мосты, и был в действии с сербской стороны в боях в районе Дервенте и Сохранить. Дайте мне несколько дней, чтобы проверить с людьми, которые там были.
На мой взгляд, литниковые швы между верхней и нижней частями башни у тебя получились слишком толстые.
переделывая швы, решил переделать всю фактуру брони. И сделал наоборот сначала нанёс слой смеси "двухкомпонентной сварки" и уже пока она не схватилась сверху положил тянутый литник смоченный клеем. Добавил наплыв под большую комбашню и сделал новый номер. Теперь номер меня устраивает полностью)